picture of digestive issues
Many people suffer from digestive issues. I am one of them.

In my country (South Korea), people often take cabagin to help with digestive problems.

It’s a digestive aid extracted from cabbage, and it comes in the form of a dietary supplement.

Therefore, we think that indigestion -> cabagin -> overcome indigestion.

However, this is not the case. If you take cabagin every time you have a digestive disorder,

you will gradually become unnecessary due to the passive digestive behavior of your organs,

and you will be prone to “gastric dilatation” a condition in which the stomach stretches downward.

Therefore, instead of indigestion -> cabagin -> digestive disorder, exercise should be done to contract/relax the entire body to help relax the muscles around the esophagus/organs.

However, if you’re suffering from reflux esophagitis, you’ll need to take medication.

There are several medications available, including Vonoplazan Fumarate.