Summary: If you use JetBrain products, you need to update.

Issue: Possible github access token hijacking

Who: People using the versions listed below

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.7, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2
  • DataGrip 2023.1.3, 2023.2.4, 2023.3.5, 2024.1.4
  • PhpStorm 2023.1.6, 2023.2.6, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.3, 2024.2
  • WebStorm 2023.1.6, 2023.2.7, 2023.3.7, 2024.1.4 Link: link1


  • When using JetBrains IDE, github access token is exposed and can be accessed by access control
  • Based on CWE-522 ( Link: CWE-522 )
    • Weak Authentication || Plaintext Storage of a Passworng || Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format || Weak Encoding for Password || Password in Configuration File || Unprotected Transport of Credentials || Missing Password Field Masking || Storing Passwords in a Recoverable Format || Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere

how to fix

  • Update IntelliJ (three upper right dots on Mac)

And what made me find it…

  • I use github through ide… token expired and re-login is not allowed… even though it’s a normal token